What parents can expect of The Excel Academy

  • Ensure that your child is helped to achieve their full potential as a valued member of The Excel Academy community.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child.
  • Ensure that your child has the opportunity to achieve high standards of work and mindset through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.
  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of The Excel Academy.
  • Keep you informed about the general Excel Academy matters and about your child’s progress in particular, through letters home, newsletters and pupil planners.
  • Set, mark and monitor homework and provide facilities for children to do homework at The Excel Academy.
  • Let parents know about and concerns or problems that affect their child’s work, behaviour, attendance, punctuality or equipment.
  • Arrange parents’ evening during which progress will be discussed and parental ‘information’ evenings to update parents regarding the education of their child.
  • Provide a suitable learning environment dependent upon the demands of the particular curriculum area.

What The Excel Academy can expect from parents

  • Show respect towards Academy staff at all times
  • Ensure that my child goes to The Excel Academy on time, properly equipped and in the correct uniform.
  • Make The Excel Academy aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Support The Excel Academy policies and ‘Mindset for Learning Standards’
  • Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
  • Get to know about my child’s life at The Excel Academy.
  • Read and sign my child’s planner each week.
  • Encourage my child to take part in extra-curricular activities during and after lesson time.
  • That holidays are not taken during the school term.
  • To work alongside the Academy, in promoting and instilling, the Excel values with their child/children.

Parents/school together should:

  • Tackle any special needs.
  • Encourage the children to keep the ‘Mindset for Learning Standards’
  • Support children’s learning to help them achieve their best.

Pupils should:

  • Try their best to meet their targets.
  • Always have pride in themselves and treat others with respect.
  • Complete work to the best of their ability.
  • Always wear the correct uniform to The Excel Academy.
  • Always bring the correct equipment to The Excel Academy – a bag, calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, reading book and planner.
  • Take care of and respect The Excel Academy site, property and equipment.
  • Help to create a good learning environment in the classroom
  • Obey the ‘Mindset for Learning Standards’

The Excel Academy continues to be a good school

| Ofsted 2021

Why Excel?

At Excel we aim to help students develop and grow into young adults who are ready and able to go out confidently into the world.

Our Curriculum

At Excel we aim to help students develop and grow into young adults who are ready and able to go out confidently into the world.

Latest News

Here you can find a collection of our latest news. We aim to keep all stakeholders as up-to-date as possible.

ClassCharts Parent

We use ClassCharts

Class Charts is behaviour management software used by teachers to record and track student achievement and behaviour.

You can download Class Charts from the below links.

IRIS ParentMail

We use IRIS ParentMail

All of our Academy information at your fingertips. Keeping track of school activities and news as well as endless forms to complete and things to pay for.

You can download IRIS ParentMail from the below links.

If you require a paper copy of any of the pages / documents published on this website, please click here and complete the form stating which page(s) / document(s) you require along with your name and address.